Thursday, September 3, 2009

Edgars Creek

This is Edgars Creek. Less pretty but more geologically significant photos can be found here.

The creek runs 17km from Wollert to North Coburg, where it meets up with the Merri Creek, which itself is a tributary to the Yarra River. At the Edgars/Merri junction is a 6.5 hectare tract of open space - mostly parkland, native vegetation, and a golf driving range. Previously the land had been earmarked by VicRoads for the now-obsolete F2 Freeway project.

Now obsolete?

So we've got all this space and nothing to do with it?

Let's have a party and invite the world!

Alas no. The land is retained by the State Government, which has generously offered to sell the land to Moreland Council for the princely sum of $10 million. Failure to purchase will see the land sold to developers.

Naturally the people who have been using the open space for the past 30 years are a bit annoyed. They have become rather attached to Edgars Creek.

And so have a lot of other people. The Kelvinator, the Greens, Friends of the Merri - it seems everybody loves Edgars Creek except the State Government and VicRoads.

Send State Environment Minister Gavin Jennings and VicRoads an email and tell em not to be misers - gift the land back to Moreland City Council, so it can continue as open space for public use!

Further information can be found from the Friends of Merri Creek.

1 comment:

  1. State Governments and councils have a habit of doing this it seems.
    Port Phillip Council decided to take away crown land from Lady Forster Kindagarten (which is 80yrs old) and is going to develop it into a 3 level early chilhood hub.
    That means no more running around for the little ones on 1 hectare of beautiful play gardens.
    They will be stuck inside a building and a tiny area to play in with more kids.
    All for the money.
    But Good luck with your campaign - it is worth fighting for.
